KB9AMG's Top 2-way WSPR Reports - December 1-31 2024
Band Reports Rank
------ ------- ----
LF/VLF - -
160m - -
80m - -
60m - -
40m 3 924
30m - -
20m - -
17m - -
15m - -
12m - -
10m - -
6m - -
4m - -
2m - -
70cm - -
23cm - -
Total = 3 Reports - (Rank 2406)
Number of Grid Squares = 3
PA3ABK-JO21 - Summary of 2-Way WSPR Reports
HP85 TF4M 40 - (Dec 1)
IN43 DP0POL 40 - (Dec 1)
JN48 DL9GCW 40 - (Dec 1)
PA3ABK-JO21 - Detailed 2-Way WSPR Reports - BOLD # = total reports in WSPR database
----------- (The pair of reports shown have the least amount of time between them)
HP85 TF4M 40 - (Dec 1)
1 tx 2024-12-01 00:20 PA3ABK 7.04006 -3dB 0 JO21it 1W TF4M HP85fp 2206km 325deg
1 2024-12-01 00:46 TF4M 7.040107 -22dB 0 HP85fp 0.2W PA3ABK JO21it 2206km 120deg
IN43 DP0POL 40 - (Dec 1)
2 tx 2024-12-01 00:20 PA3ABK 7.040071 -11dB 0 JO21it 1W DP0POL IN43gd 1545km 238deg
3 2024-12-01 00:22 DP0POL 7.040073 -17dB 0 IN43gd 5W PA3ABK JO21it 1545km 46deg
JN48 DL9GCW 40 - (Dec 1)
2 tx 2024-12-01 00:20 PA3ABK 7.040064 -21dB 0 JO21it 1W DL9GCW JN48vc 550km 137deg
2 2024-12-01 00:24 DL9GCW 7.040126 -16dB 0 JN48vc 0.5W PA3ABK JO21it 550km 321deg
PA3ABK-JO21 - Number of Detailed WSPR Records by Date
Date Count
---------- -----
2024-12-01 6
2024-12-02 -
2024-12-03 -
2024-12-04 -
2024-12-05 -
2024-12-06 -
2024-12-07 -
2024-12-08 -
2024-12-09 -
2024-12-10 -
2024-12-11 -
2024-12-12 -
2024-12-13 -
2024-12-14 -
2024-12-15 -
2024-12-16 -
2024-12-17 -
2024-12-18 -
2024-12-19 -
2024-12-20 -
2024-12-21 -
2024-12-22 -
2024-12-23 -
2024-12-24 -
2024-12-25 -
2024-12-26 -
2024-12-27 -
2024-12-28 -
2024-12-29 -
2024-12-30 -
2024-12-31 -
PA3ABK-JO21 - Summary of Daily 2-Way WSPR Reports
----------- (BOLD callsign = First daily 2-way report on the band this month
or first daily SWL/1-way report on any band)
("*" before *GRID-CALLSIGN = No 2-way reports with PA3ABK-JO21)
("*" after GRID-CALLSIGN* = No 2-way reports for all callsigns)
2024-12-01 PA3ABK-JO21 (3)
3 40m HP85-TF4M----1/1 IN43-DP0POL--1/1 JN48-DL9GCW--1/1
44 SWL *FN42-KM3T*--------1/1 *IL18-S50SVM*------1/1 *IL38-EA8BFK*------1/1
*IM98-EC5M*--------1/1 *IO90-G8URE*-------1/1 *IO91-G4HZX*-------1/1
*JN23-F4KKF*-------1/1 *JN46-HB9TMC*------1/1 *JN47-DARCT13*-----1/1
*JN47-HB9CU*-------1/1 *JN47-HB9GZW*------1/1 *JN47-HB9VQQ*------1/1
*JN47-OE9GHV*------1/1 *JN47-OE9TAV*------1/1 *JN49-DK0ABT*------1/1
*JN49-DK6UG*-------1/1 *JN58-DC1RDB*------1/1 *JN58-DK8FT*-------1/1
*JN61-I0UVN*-------1/1 *JN65-IW3HBX-------1/1 *JN68-DL0PF*-------1/1
*JN69-DL4RU*-------1/1 *JN77-OE6ADD*------1/1 *JN87-OE3GBB*------1/1
*JN87-OE3OMK-------1/1 *JO10-ON5KQ*-------1/1 *JO21-HU1UB*-------1/1
*JO21-ON7KEC*------1/1 *JO22-PA4HJH*------1/1 *JO31-DC5AL--------1/1
*JO31-PE0MJX*------1/1 *JO32-PI4THT*------1/1 *JO33-DJ2DS--------1/1
*JO33-PD0OHW-------1/1 *JO40-DL4ZBE*------1/1 *JO41-DL9KCE*------1/1
*JO42-DF8OE*-------1/1 *JO60-OK1HRA*------1/1 *JO65-OZ7IT--------1/1
*KM64-5B4AOE*------1/1 *KN05-YO2CIP*------1/1 *KN14-YO7COV-------1/1
*KN98-R6LPA*-------1/1 *KP03-OH6BG*-------1/1
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