KB9AMG's Top 2-way WSPR Reports - January 1-31 2025
Band Reports Rank
------ ------- ----
LF/VLF - -
160m - -
80m - -
60m - -
40m - -
30m - -
20m 1 1342
17m - -
15m - -
12m - -
10m - -
6m - -
4m - -
2m - -
70cm - -
23cm - -
Total = 1 Report - (Rank 2613)
Number of Grid Squares = 1
DD0MS-JN49 - Summary of 2-Way WSPR Reports
IO82 G7GYP 20 - (Jan 1-31)
DD0MS-JN49 - Detailed 2-Way WSPR Reports - BOLD # = total reports in WSPR database
---------- (The pair of reports shown have the least amount of time between them)
IO82 G7GYP 20 - (Jan 1-31)
1 tx 2025-01-01 11:08 DD0MS 14.09703 -24dB 0 JN49ab 1W G7GYP IO82xa 784km 299deg
794 2025-01-01 11:10 G7GYP 14.097096 -20dB 0 IO82xa 0.5W DD0MS JN49ab 784km 111deg
DD0MS-JN49 - Number of Detailed WSPR Records by Date
Date Count
---------- -----
2025-01-01 2
2025-01-02 -
2025-01-03 -
2025-01-04 -
2025-01-05 -
2025-01-06 -
2025-01-07 -
2025-01-08 -
2025-01-09 -
2025-01-10 -
2025-01-11 -
2025-01-12 -
2025-01-13 -
2025-01-14 -
2025-01-15 -
2025-01-16 -
2025-01-17 -
2025-01-18 -
2025-01-19 -
2025-01-20 -
2025-01-21 -
2025-01-22 -
2025-01-23 -
2025-01-24 -
2025-01-25 -
2025-01-26 -
2025-01-27 -
2025-01-28 -
2025-01-29 -
2025-01-30 -
2025-01-31 -
DD0MS-JN49 - Summary of Daily 2-Way WSPR Reports
---------- (BOLD callsign = First daily 2-way report on the band this month
or first daily SWL/1-way report on any band)
("*" before *GRID-CALLSIGN = No 2-way reports with DD0MS-JN49)
("*" after GRID-CALLSIGN* = No 2-way reports for all callsigns)
2025-01-01 DD0MS-JN49 (1)
1 20m IO82-G7GYP---1/1
30 SWL *FM06-WD4ELG*------1/1 *FM08-W4KEL*-------1/1 *FN54-W1BW---------1/1
*GH64-PT2FHC-------1/1 *HP85-TF4M*--------1/1 *IO77-GM0UDL-------1/1
*IO81-G4LCM--------1/1 *IO81-M0JLY*-------1/1 *IO84-G0BZB*-------1/1
*IO85-GM4DTH-------1/1 *IO86-MM3NDH*------1/1 *IO87-GM1OXB-------1/1
*IO90-G4ZFQ--------1/1 *IO91-G4HZX*-------1/1 *JN48-DJ6DK--------1/1
*JN52-IQ5VK*-------1/1 *JN61-I0UVN*-------1/1 *JN78-OE3RZU*------1/1
*JN87-OE3GBB*------1/1 *JO33-DJ2DS--------1/1 *JO43-DL1XH*-------1/1
*JO54-DG7SFI*------1/1 *JO68-SA6BSS-------1/1 *JP40-LA3FY*-------1/1
*KM65-5B4CY*-------1/1 *KO85-RZ3DVP*------1/1 *KO95-R2DVC*-------1/1
*KP20-OH3AA*-------1/1 *KP53-OH7FES*------1/1 *LO44-UL1978*------1/1
KB9AMG's Ham Radio Page