KB9AMG's Top 2-way WSPR Reports - November 1-30 2024


 Band  Reports Rank
------ ------- ----
LF/VLF       -    -
 160m        2   98
  80m        -    -
  60m        -    -
  40m        -    -
  30m        -    -
  20m        -    -
  17m        -    -
  15m        -    -
  12m        -    -
  10m        -    -
   6m        -    -
   4m        -    -
   2m        -    -
 70cm        -    -
 23cm        -    -
Total =      2 Reports - (Rank 2379)

Number of Grid Squares = 2

W0LEV-DN70 - Summary of 2-Way WSPR Reports

DM13 W1CK 160 - (Nov 1-2,17)
DM34 N6SS 160 - (Nov 2,17)

W0LEV-DN70 - Detailed 2-Way WSPR Reports - BOLD # = total reports in WSPR database
----------   (The pair of reports shown have the least amount of time between them)

DM13 W1CK 160 - (Nov 1-2,17)

    62 tx 2024-11-02 13:20 W0LEV 1.838057 -28dB 0 DN70jg 10W W1CK/K DM13ie 1332km 238deg
     1    2024-11-17 02:20 W1CK 1.838203 -23dB 0 DM13ie 5W W0LEV DN70jg 1332km 50deg

DM34 N6SS 160 - (Nov 2,17)

     2 tx 2024-11-02 09:14 W0LEV 1.838057 -17dB 0 DN70jg 10W N6SS DM34vn 885km 226deg
    12    2024-11-17 00:26 N6SS 1.838008 -30dB 0 DM34vn 1W W0LEV DN70jg 885km 42deg

W0LEV-DN70 - Number of Detailed WSPR Records by Date
   Date     Count
----------  -----
2024-11-01      -
2024-11-02      2
2024-11-03      -
2024-11-04      -
2024-11-05      -
2024-11-06      -
2024-11-07      -
2024-11-08      -
2024-11-09      -
2024-11-10      -
2024-11-11      -
2024-11-12      -
2024-11-13      -
2024-11-14      -
2024-11-15      -
2024-11-16      -
2024-11-17      2
2024-11-18      -
2024-11-19      -
2024-11-20      -
2024-11-21      -
2024-11-22      -
2024-11-23      -
2024-11-24      -
2024-11-25      -
2024-11-26      -
2024-11-27      -
2024-11-28      -
2024-11-29      -
2024-11-30      -

W0LEV-DN70 - Summary of Daily 2-Way WSPR Reports
----------   (BOLD callsign = First daily 2-way report on the band this month
                              or first daily SWL/1-way report on any band)
             ("*" before *GRID-CALLSIGN = No 2-way reports with W0LEV-DN70)
             ("*" after GRID-CALLSIGN* = No 2-way reports for all callsigns)

2024-11-01  W0LEV-DN70  (0)

 23   SWL  *CM88-KPH*---------1/2   *CM88-KPH1*--------1/2   *CM88-KPH2*--------1/2
           *CM88-WB7ABP*------1/2   *CN86-AA7NM*-------1/2   *CN88-KK7IXU*------1/2
           *DM04-K6FOD*-------1/2    DM13-W1CK---------1/2   *DM16-ND7M*--------1/2
           *DM63-SWLDM63ID*---1/2   *DN26-W0AY*--------1/2   *DN31-KA7OEI*------1/2
           *DN40-KA7OEI-------1/2   *DN70-N6GN*--------1/2   *DN70-N6GN3*-------1/2
           *DN70-W0AIR*-------1/2   *DN70-WW0WWV-------1/2   *DO33-VE6JY*-------1/2
           *EM38-AC0G*--------1/2   *EM38-KV0S*--------1/2   *EM47-K6RFT*-------1/2
           *EN74-KX4AZ*-------1/2   *FN05-VE3EID*------1/2

2024-11-02  W0LEV-DN70  (0)

 37   SWL  *CM88-KJ6MKI*------1/1   *CM88-KPH*---------2/2   *CM88-KPH1*--------2/2
           *CM88-KPH2*--------2/2   *CM88-WB7ABP*------2/2   *CN86-AA7NM*-------2/2
           *CN87-K7API*-------1/1   *CN88-KK7IXU*------2/2   *DM04-K6FOD*-------2/2
           *DM12-KA9Q*--------1/1    DM13-W1CK---------2/2   *DM16-ND7M*--------2/2
            DM34-N6SS---------1/1   *DM62-WA5DJJ*------1/1   *DM63-SWLDM63ID*---2/2
           *DM78-K1NTL*-------1/1   *DM79-NI0L---------1/1   *DN06-KB7GF*-------1/1
           *DN17-AI7MG--------1/1   *DN23-N1SRC--------1/1   *DN26-W0AY*--------2/2
           *DN31-KA7OEI*------2/2   *DN40-KA7OEI-------2/2   *DN70-N6GN*--------2/2
           *DN70-N6GN3*-------2/2   *DN70-W0AIR*-------2/2   *DN70-WW0WWV-------2/2
           *DO33-VE6JY*-------2/2   *EM25-N5TNL*-------1/1   *EM38-AC0G*--------2/2
           *EM38-KV0S*--------2/2   *EM47-K6RFT*-------2/2   *EM95-W3OA*--------1/1
           *EN50-KD9NYE*------1/1   *EN60-WA9NWW*------1/1   *EN74-KX4AZ*-------2/2

KB9AMG's Ham Radio Page