KB9AMG's Top 2-way WSPR Reports - June 1-30 2023


 Band  Reports Rank
------ ------- ----
LF/VLF       -    -
 160m        -    -
  80m        -    -
  60m        -    -
  40m        -    -
  30m        -    -
  20m        1 1514
  17m        -    -
  15m        -    -
  12m        -    -
  10m        -    -
   6m        -    -
   4m        -    -
   2m        -    -
 70cm        -    -
 23cm        -    -
Total =      1 Report - (Rank 2328)

Number of Grid Squares = 1

ON7JER-JO20 - Summary of 2-Way WSPR Reports

IO91 G0FCH 20 - (Jun 30)

ON7JER-JO20 - Detailed 2-Way WSPR Reports - BOLD # = total reports in WSPR database
-----------   (The pair of reports shown have the least amount of time between them)

IO91 G0FCH 20 - (Jun 30)

     1 tx 2023-06-30 19:46 ON7JER 14.097098 -17dB 0 JO20fj 5W G0FCH IO91cn 456km 289deg
     1    2023-06-30 19:42 G0FCH 14.097101 4dB 1 IO91cn 2W ON7JER JO20fj 456km 104deg

ON7JER-JO20 - Number of Detailed WSPR Records by Date
   Date     Count
----------  -----
2023-06-01      -
2023-06-02      -
2023-06-03      -
2023-06-04      -
2023-06-05      -
2023-06-06      -
2023-06-07      -
2023-06-08      -
2023-06-09      -
2023-06-10      -
2023-06-11      -
2023-06-12      -
2023-06-13      -
2023-06-14      -
2023-06-15      -
2023-06-16      -
2023-06-17      -
2023-06-18      -
2023-06-19      -
2023-06-20      -
2023-06-21      -
2023-06-22      -
2023-06-23      -
2023-06-24      -
2023-06-25      -
2023-06-26      -
2023-06-27      -
2023-06-28      -
2023-06-29      -
2023-06-30      2

ON7JER-JO20 - Summary of Daily 2-Way WSPR Reports
-----------   (BOLD callsign = First daily 2-way report on the band this month
                               or first daily SWL/1-way report on any band)
              ("*" before *GRID-CALLSIGN = No 2-way reports with ON7JER-JO20)
              ("*" after GRID-CALLSIGN* = No 2-way reports for all callsigns)

2023-06-30  ON7JER-JO20  (1)

  1   20m   IO91-G0FCH---1/1

 53   SWL  *IL38-DF4UE--------1/1   *IL38-EA8BFK*------1/1   *IN88-F4FPR--------1/1
           *IN89-GU3ONJ-------1/1   *IO64-MI0SAI*------1/1   *IO70-G8NXD*-------1/1
           *IO72-MW7SIF-------1/1   *IO80-M7WWX*-------1/1   *IO81-G0KTN*-------1/1
           *IO81-G4LCM--------1/1   *IO81-GW0KIG*------1/1   *IO83-G0DUB*-------1/1
           *IO83-G0FCA--------1/1   *IO83-G6JTB--------1/1   *IO90-G4MSA*-------1/1
           *IO90-M3XQM*-------1/1   *IO91-G1MUM--------1/1   *IO92-M0VSE*-------1/1
           *IO93-2E0VOE*------1/1   *JN01-30HS200*-----1/1   *JN25-F5VBD*-------1/1
           *JN34-SWL861979*---1/1   *JN37-F5178SWL*----1/1   *JN37-HB9DSE*------1/1
           *JN45-IK0XFA*------1/1   *JN46-HB9TMC-------1/1   *JN47-DARCT13*-----1/1
           *JN47-HB9GVC*------1/1   *JN47-HB9VQQ-------1/1   *JN47-OE9GHV*------1/1
           *JN47-OE9HLH*------1/1   *JN47-OE9TAV*------1/1   *JN55-IZ3EAW*------1/1
           *JN58-DC1RDB*------1/1   *JN61-I0UVN*-------1/1   *JN63-IZ6QQT*------1/1
           *JN65-IV3DXW*------1/1   *JN65-IW3HBX-------1/1   *JN68-DA0UP*-------1/1
           *JN68-DL0PF*-------1/1   *JN69-SDR-JN69BA*--1/1   *JN77-OE6PWD*------1/1
           *JN87-OE3XOE*------1/1   *JO38-LA1ZM--------1/1   *JO68-SA6BSS-------1/1
           *JO70-OK1RAJ*------1/1   *KM07-SV8RV*-------1/1   *KO85-RZ3DVP*------1/1
           *KP03-OH6BG*-------1/1   *LN22-4L0VE*-------1/1   *OF77-VK6WR*-------1/1
           *OF88-TOMA1564*----1/1   *QF22-VK3TPM-------1/1

KB9AMG's Ham Radio Page